Wednesday, September 25, 2013


hey kids-
i can hardly believe it, but the patriots won AGAIN – and they did it with conviction! it was a blow out against tampa bay – and our patriots are actually starting to look like a football team...which is a big relief, since they are a football team. sometimes i think they forget!
it felt like déjà vu watching our fearless quarterback makin’ it work with his ragtag band of rookies. just three years ago, our tommy was bringing up our rookie tight end tandem  – and now he’s back at it with a brand new batch of  wide receivers. the newbies made great progress on sunday, catching 10 of 25 completions for 93 of 225 yards. somehow all tommy’s frustrated screaming feels totally worth it when pays off with moments like this one. bring on the tommylove!

the first resounding win of the season was a full team effort, and there were a lot of outstanding performances. it was nice to see bolden back to help out our ground game, gostkowski nailed a 53-yard field goal, and the d continued to stand their ground (with ANOTHER pick from talib!), allowing just three points. still, this week’s tommy of the week is going to aaron dobson. after dropping 7 of 10 passes last week, dobson rebounded beautifully to catch 7 of 10 against tampa bay. it’s got to be crazy to be 22 years old standing on the other side of a football thrown by tom brady, and dobson proved he deserves to be there after a shaky start. i may never call him aaron, but i do admire that kind of perseverance – and so does our fearless quarterback. oh yeah – bring on the tommylove! congrats, dobson!

we’re going to need a lot more than tommylove on sunday night in atlanta, even with their 1-2 record. matt ryan is sure to test our defense, and our offense may need more than improving rookies if we’re going continue this awesome winning streak. think your happy, healthy patriots thoughts extra hard this week – we’re going to be on national tv and i don’t want to get embarrassed!
have a great week, and go pats!

love dav

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